5 Ways to Prepare for Divorce

After many sleepless nights, stress and anxiety, you decide it is time to get a divorce. But where do you even begin? Divorce can be one of the most overwhelming things you will go through so getting prepared can help ease the process and help get you through to the finish line. Here are 5 ways you can prepare for divorce.

1. Start with a checklist
Listing out important items is a great way to start getting yourself organized and prepared for what is ahead. There are so many things that need to happen to prepare properly for Divorce that writing down some of those steps can set a clear path. Some of the most important items to start with include…
  • Communicate your plan to family
  • Select a small team that you can trust for emotional support
  • Begin to book attorney interviews
  • Start researching local attorneys and set up interviews
  • Gather important financial information
  • Get all of your financial ducks in a row by gathering credit card statements, bills, mortgage statements and other important documents that you will need over the course of this process
  • Set your divorce goals
  • Define your purpose and outcome you are looking to accomplish while going through the Divorce
  • Divorce is already stressful enough. Being as prepared as possible will give you some piece of mind that you can get things taken care of in a timely manner.
2. Research and understand what type of Divorce you will be filing
There are two types of divorce, contested and uncontested. Contested divorce is chosen when spouses cannot agree on one or more issues and involves courts to make decisions on key issues often making the process more stressful and more time consuming. Uncontested divorce is normally a smoother process when both parties can agree on a settlement that satisfies everyone involved. Making this distinction early can set the table for how the divorce process will play out. If you cannot determine which type of divorce suits your situation best, we are happy to speak with you to discuss your options and craft a plan.
3. Take your personal health and wellness seriously
Divorce can be a lengthy and stressful process full of hundreds of decisions that can affect yourself, your children and your children’s future. Take time to eat well, get rest and exercise to help alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety. Allow your emotions to be shared with those closest to you to help process the numerous thoughts and concerns you will be feeling. If necessary, don’t hesitate to seek out professional help if you need to work through things that you don’t want to share with your family. Focusing on your own mental and physical health during this process can keep your mind sharp as you navigate through your divorce.
4. Hire a qualified attorney
Not to be overlooked, one of the most important steps in preparation is hiring an attorney. A qualified attorney can help you decide which type of divorce fits your situation. If you have someone in mind, great! If not, ask friends and family for recommendations. Write down a list of questions and find an attorney that matches your approach in terms of aggression, outcome and how they operate to find solutions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and keep an eye out for their behavior towards your situation. Are they empathetic and give you a feeling of comfort or are they a little rough around the edges. Do your goals align? Having an attorney you know you can trust and rely on will help make the entire divorce process go a lot smoother.
5. Start to map out a new future
For years your long term plan has involved a partner and spouse with goals and dreams that align with each other. Now that you are going down a new path, take time to map out some of the big details to create a new life for yourself. Areas such as your financial outlook, career path, hobbies, interests and your children’s new normal play a huge role in crafting a new life and creating the most healthy outcome for those involved.
At the end of the day, going through divorce will always be a rollercoaster of emotions. Getting prepared and putting a team around you that has your best interest at heart is and always will be the best way to find success and peace through this life changing event.
Here at The Law Offices of Gina Smalley we know what you need and have the experience to successfully guide you through the divorce process.

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